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 2023: The Year In Review And A Cloudy Crystal Ball
Dingleberry 976 posts, incept 2011-11-06
2023-12-26 09:03:05

I always look forward the annual Tickerdamus prognostications.

You should give yourself two points for the jabs..the scams related to same have been so discredited that even the karens are not running their mouths anymore, which is akin to them holding their breath till they turn blue. Do not expect any contrition or atonement from them. These demons are psychotically evil. BTW, any discussions about the jabs, masks, etc. over holiday dinner? That's what I thought.

Houses and cars: I dunno. I see house price cuts even around me (every hot area)...but there are cuts.....and then there are "cuts". Prices doubling and then going down a few grand may be a start.....spring will be the tell. The rent is still too damn high!!

Cars: same thing, for vehicles that people actually want (trucks and SUVs). Prices are still incredibly high, despite coming down a bit, if at all. EVs (even new ones) are headed for the landfill thank God...great call on that one. Once again the karen is being exposed as a complete hypocrite when the rubber meets the road (pun intended). Many dealers are refusing to sell these EV frauds. So you lefties on the coasts and in the cities....I'll wave to you as I drive by your charging station, and give you a belch from my ICE.

Stock market: logic and reason have left the building. So has truth and honesty in terms of financial numbers by the Fed/BLS. That, combined with massive amounts of passive investing ("stocks are not that risky due to the Fed put")......don't be surprised if we make new nominal highs. Especially if You Crane gets settled, which should have happened already, but won't until the last blood-stained dime can be made by the MIC. And rates rising dramatically in an election year?......I'll take the under on that. Rates will be closer to 4% than 7%. Now the rates you will pay for a mortgage or a car on the other hand.....

Illegals: more of the same. Get ready for your new neighbors. Brush up on your Spanish, Chinese and/or various African dialects. Neither party wants to end it, too much cheap labor, illegal votes, etc. Blacks, muslims, karens and others in the hood will still vote blue no matter who, almost exclusively. You'll see. I have intimate experience in this area. Massacres in Gaza or having to share their gibs notwithstanding. They aren't called "gimmedats" for nuthin'. Not to mention it's election time and we all know what that means: "waycism!!!" and "muh abortions!" will become de facto national security issues (judging by the leftist media hype).....until the election is over. Rinse, wash, repeat every 2-4 years.

RFK will lose steam (c'mon man---this is the DNC we are talking about here)......and it will be Brandon vs Trump 2.0.

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