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So You Dislike The Prospect Of Civil War?
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Ed: This shouldn't have to go on the -NAD side. It does, however, because both political party activists will try to report it as "arguing for violence" even though it does no such thing. The root of that problem is that current law permits entities like Facebook and Google to have back-door APIs and take reports they have no duty to disclose to you as to who filed them, they can and do act on same via either robotic or simply "oh its from a trusted source thus its true" basis and they have no duty to disclose specifically what they object to in the complained-about work. Any such refusal or obfuscation should void Section 230 immunity; if you're going to grant publisher and provider immunity then they should be required to be "pass through" entities when it comes to complaints much as is the case for a DMCA complaint, and if they don't -- not on subpoena, but originally -- they lose their protection entirely. But that's not the world we live in.
A politician's job isn't simply to win.
It is to win by a sufficient margin that the inevitable cheating, which occurs in every election, is insufficient and if the losing side tries to cheat by enough to actually change the outcome it will exceed the level of plausible deniability among the general population.
Claims that we have "secure" elections and that "every vote counts and none do that are invalid" are always false. That has never been true -- not here in the United States or anywhere else. Simply put there is always an incentive to cheat and people always will because people respond to incentives.
But there is also a margin of plausible deniability. If you win by enough to overcome that then cheating in a sufficient amount to change the outcome runs the risk of an immediate uprising by the losing side.
If your "win" is within that margin then the outcome can be changed and while many will say something like "Not my President" because they believe you cheated, whether you did or not, you still lost from a standpoint of the opposing party supporters because you failed to do the essential job of exceeding that margin even though you gained the office.
You may not like this fact but it is a fact.
The reason you can't cheat in an unbounded amount is that there is a level of cheating at which people will revolt.
I'm not talking about a few lone crazies deciding to do crazy things either -- I'm talking about revolt in the real sense of the word. Despite the bluster and bullshit by law enforcement and people like our current AG they know damn well there is exactly nothing they can about it other than submit if it happens.
Its simply math -- there are about 1 million sworn officers of all sorts in the United States but some 240 million adult Americans. If 10% of half (the losing side) decide they're not going to put up with that shit that's 20:1 or worse odds against the cops and they either stand down or every one of their families, they themselves and everything they own is destroyed.
Nobody goes to war at a 20:1 manpower deficit and survives it when your side is embedded in their homes and property among those you're trying to defeat. If you try that you lose everything including your life and everyone in every law enforcement position from the lowly meter maid on up damn well knows it.
Now there are nations where such acts (e.g. 10% swings by cheating) do happen and people get away with it. They are places where the people have been formerly disarmed as one key element, or there simply really isn't more than one person on the ballot even though there might be (e.g. where there's no such thing as a secret ballot.)
But America is not such a place and incidentally the 2nd Amendment is the reason we're not such a place -- and why we had damn well better never do anything to get rid of it. That implicit threat must always exist as it is the "hard stop" on corruption of the franchise and thus is essential to the continuation of a peaceable society. If it falls then civil war in some form or fashion becomes inevitable and we must never allow that.
So here's reality coming into the last week before the election: Both side's job, if they wish to claim not just victory but legitimacy, is to win by enough that nobody can reasonably question the margin of victory as it is outside the boundary of any reasonable claim of cheating.
Because yes, there will be cheating just as there always has been in every single election.
You're supposed to make the case well enough, as a candidate, that your margin is outside the realm of plausible deniability.
That is a political candidate's actual job.
We'll see if either of the two on the ballot pull that off.
Well Harris voters, if you fall for it (or already did) you deserve it up the ass so when you get it you cannot say it's unfair.
You were promised -- more than once now during this campaign -- a concert by some star showing up to a political rally. That's why you came, and what you got -- instead of a performance -- was a few-minute abortion speech. Zero music, zero performance, all scam.
You didn't show up to see lying sack of shit Harris. Nope, you showed up to see Beyonce. Well, you saw her -- talking about her uterus. That's not what you thought you would get, right, and it wasn't what you were sold -- nor why you stood in line for hours.
Everything you're sold by the left is a lie and y'all just had it shoved in your face so if you fall for any of that crap from this day forward you deserve every bad thing that happens to you and your family as a result of those lies and actual policies up to and including slow, painful death.
We're not killing the planet with oil, coal and gas consumption: We in fact have made the air so clean over the last 30-40 years compared with the one hundred years prior that more energy from that huge flaming fusion reactor in the sky reaches the ground and thus it is warmer, and in the winter its colder because more of the absorbed energy radiates into space without being reflected back downward. I presume you'd prefer not to choke on the fumes of chemical plants and car exhausts like I did when I was a child, right? You've never experienced it but not only did I experience it so did both Obama and Harris and they are both lying to you about how it was and how we changed it., all for the better.
If you're all so-worried about the planet and carbon why don't you drag out of their tony mansions and summarily execute all the executives of the firms running their "AI" schemes, never mind places like Facesucker itself? Those "data centers" use more power and expel an enormous amount of heat into the atmosphere for what purpose, exactly, other than your celebration of pronouns? At least when I burn natural gas I get some actual, tangible benefit: I warm my house or cook food with the heat.
Oh by the way all that Gaia shit directed at us is in fact promoting and enhancing those who really are emitting all the pollutants into the environment today, from air pollution to tons of crap, mostly plastic, into the oceans. No, your straw is not the problem as you almost-certainly throw it in the trash; theirs is thrown in the ocean on purpose to save a fraction of a penny: China and India, to be specific, and they're not slowing down. In fact their rate of pollution is accelerating and you are deliberately promoting your own impoverishment for their benefit. That's right, you're committing slow suicide at the behest of these scam peddlers all of whom love actual no-bullshit Communism (since they'd be the ones with the boot on your neck) and would be perfectly happy to have you shitting in the street because you live in a fucking straw hut!
Oh, the gun thing? Yeah, their "gun control" scam is run on you so if you ever wake up to their scam you can't shoot them when they refuse to stop raping both your wallet and body. The gang-bangers are exempt of course because they don't give a shit about any law and have you noticed they don't throw those assholes in prison even when they're brandishing or shooting people with their weapons on video? What's Chicago's murder clearance rate again? Oh yeah, that statistic is gamed too -- if prosecutors don't bring charges that counts as "clearance" even though your kid is still dead.
Further, if you're black (you know, for real) you have to be a special brand of stupid to vote for the jackasses currently in charge and wanting to be in charge for the next four years, along with all the black mayors considering that in said cities the huge majority of those both doing the shooting and getting shot are black so spare me about how I'm supposed to put up with some sort of "white guilt" struggle session. In fact, you can go fuck yourself with a rusty chainsaw for that suggestion. Since you vote for your own death and that of your children you're welcome to experience it. Hard pass on that here.
You're told its "so great" to allow all these "poor people" to come into America. What you're not told is that since they're so poor and have no skills the extra demand forces up the price of everything you need, like a rental apartment and food, and oh by the way they have few or no skills even in common life acts such as driving a car so they either rape and rob to take whatever they want or, if they've stolen it from you via the government they just smash into your car, further increasing your pain level personally on top of the financial rape they served up courtesy of your Democrat friends in power.
You think you're so "compassionate" in "helping all those poor people" including in YoooKraine but in fact all you're helping is a bunch of thieves who don't give a wet shit about anything but their bank account balance. Witness the fact that for the last four years they all lied about masks, shots that don't work and in fact tried to needle rape you by force and we now know those shots were contaminated with DNA fragments that can be integrated into your cells and incidentally, that causes CANCER so now if you took them you may well be fucked at any time for the rest of your life with exactly NOTHING you can do about it. Over in YooooKraine something like one dollar in five actually winds up doing something to assist fighting the war (which we instigated when Obama was President) with the rest being siphoned off by various grifts and scams -- some, the evidence shows, by Biden's own family.
Meanwhile after the dickhead governor of NC sat and played with himself along with FEMA (run by Harris and Biden, I remind you) a bunch of toxic white men showed up in NC out of West Virginia with their own fuel and heavy earth-moving equipment, all unpaid, and restored a road into Chimney Rock that the governor said would take a year to fix. They did it in one week and yeah, its temporary -- but now supplies can get in there where prior the town was entirely cut off. Multiple bridges have also been constructed by more toxic white men in both Tennessee and North Carolina out of debris (including wrecked flatbed trailers) with said toxic white men's own heavy earth-moving equipment and fuel to restore access to cut-off areas. Yeah, they're temporary in nature as they were made out of whatever materials could be salvaged from the flooding and won't take heavy loads but they're better than fording a river on foot. Even more toxic white men have run thousands of trips with self-purchased supplies into the impacted areas and even more toxic white people have worked the loading, unloading and distribution of same at churches in particular -- you know, toxic Christian places of faith? Would you like some more toxic white masculinity and toxic Christian faith when something has to get done because people are fucked to the point of dying or are you going to bitch about DIEEEEEVERSITY instead?
You think Harris will be a good President because she has a vagina and is "black" when in point of fact she cackled for years about arresting parents and threatening to throw them in jail because their kids skipped school even when the reason the kids weren't in school is that they were in the fucking hospital, and she thinks it was awesome that she could and did stoke a pen and fuck your life irrevocably even when it was later proved she was wrong. Screwing people without a scintilla of remorse is the stuff of laughs for her and you want that douchebag to be President?
Are you really so fucking stupid you'll vote to fuck yourself when just a couple of weeks before the election she scams you into showing up at a political rally by falsely promising you a free concert? You now have, in your face, a demonstration of every fraud the left has foisted off on you for the last two fucking decades and she did it just before the election so nobody can claim "they don't remember" either.
I guess in about a week we'll find out.
"America needs a militant democracy" -- Adolf Hitler, 1939.
Harvard professors Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt advised pushing a "militant democracy" to ensure an "authoritarian figure" like former President Trump never rises to power again.
In an op-ed for the New York Times, Levitsky and Ziblatt describe how they spent the last year "researching how democracies can protect themselves from authoritarian threats from within," lamenting how close Trump remains to getting a second term.
"How could such an openly authoritarian figure have a coin flip’s chance of returning to the presidency? Why have so many of our democracy’s defenses seemingly broken down, and which, if any, remain?" they wrote.
We're not a Democracy; America is a Constitutional Republic.
No matter the majority there are things you can't do; that's the difference. One of the things you can't do, which both these "professors" and Hitler did, is outlaw speech -- whether you're offended by said speech or not.
Harvard and its professors, of course, have freedom of speech too -- even speech that wildly offends like theirs does here.
However, I will note that since The First Amendment applies to all but true and unconditional threats, and in fact it is lawful to note what the retributive act will be if our Constitution is abrogated wholesale because under said Constitution such an act is unconditionally unconstitutional and thus impermissible and as such that note is NOT a legally-punishable threat, that should said Professors manage to convince the public to overthrow the Constitution and its protections, an act of unspeakable evil and an act of Civil War against the American people, that their families, their property and their persons will go first in what follows.
Don't do it Professors.
I don't want it and I assure you don't want it either but by God I will act in whatever degree is necessary to prevent any funny Austrian painters from taking hold in America. We know where that leads, and no, Donald Trump is not Hitler despite your rhetorical bullshit.
It is especially telling that these "Professors" believe that they would somehow be magically shielded from the consequences of such act were they to succeed in provoking it.
That, standing alone, makes them unfit to profess anything and that Harvard allows such as a serious discussion and proposal for America, not a mere academic exercise, is enough for me to call for each and every graduate and student, along with THEIR families, to be shunned in all respects and thus destroyed, entirely within the boundaries of the law as is every person's right under said First Amendment to not associate with those who seek to ruin this nation and kill both them and their families.
Civil unrest or even Civil War.
Go read this:
Take careful account of the language. It is not his language, it is the language of FEMA and others in the government. The government believes they have a right to rule, which our Constitution explicitly disavows.
I had a short conversation with a couple the other night over a beverage before a concert. They were talking about "democracy" and I interjected that we aren't one; we're a Constitutional Republic. They countered that the people had a right to decide to which I pointed out that the difference between a Constitutional Republic and a Democracy is that in the second 49 sheep and 51 wolves hold a vote on what's for dinner while in a Constitutional Republic that is forbidden even if there is only one sheep and that it is this very fact that means they have any rights at all, such as where we were (a rather blue area) and that absent same the immigrants currently in their state could be billeted in their house and eat all their food without compensation simply by virtue of a vote.
The look on their faces was priceless.
I don't think they liked me very much......
Folks, we can either change minds or ultimately we will have to remove heads. The conversation I had needs to be repeated by everyone, every day. It has to be personal and result in contemplation. It might not have "took" in that instance; I suspect it didn't, but you could see the flash of recognition that I was right, and they could in fact have everything taken from them simply by a majority vote as a consequence of their political positions.
As I said I don't know if I changed minds. After all, I was two ryes and a charcuterie board into the evening at that point and about to go enjoy some fine music. But this is how we avoid having to remove heads, and thus you'd better get to it.
You see, the classic view of "liberal" was just that: You do you, I'll do me, and you and I will leave each other alone. This was entirely supportable. The so-called "conservative" position was "you try to do you and I'll throw you in jail." Aka "you can't fuck who you want; it has to be a woman if you're a man and vice-versa." Or "you can't smoke weed or I'll throw you in jail."
The liberal position was "I'll fuck who I want in the privacy of my own home, and I'll smoke what I want as well, again, in the privacy of my own home."
But then the so-called "liberal" position turned into force as well.
"You will call me by the pronouns I want or go to jail."
"I will smoke what I want where I want, including in your face and I will drive stoned whether you like it or not."
"I will force you to put up with theft, prostitution in public, looting, taking over streets and similar."
"I will force you to allow me, a biological man, to take a shower in the locker room with your daughter."
"I will force you to allow 10 million 'migrants' into the country and also force you to pay them $2,000/mo and the schooling of their kids and for their health care and when they drive without a license or insurance and smash your car you must pay for that too. If you object, even when the inflation this all causes (and depression of wages on top of it) in your town that's just tough shit."
And of course.... "I will force you to inject an untested and possibly-dangerous substance into your arm or be dispossessed of everything."
This is not "liberal"; it is Communist and an argument of superiority along with a right to RULE, which does not exist by our founding documents and no amount of "voting" will change that without formal abrogation of said Constitution -- and no, you won't get ratification of that either as 3/4 of the states would have to agree and they will not.
Short of that there is a point where either minds change or heads are removed.
I have no obligation to accept that which is not Constitutional and if there is no redress in the courts, and there isn't when you accost someone's daughter in the locker room shower with a dick as that is absolutely irreparable harm the correct response to such a demand is to render anyone who goes into the woman's locker room with a dick a dickless man on an immediate basis.
Oh, you don't like that?
Then cut that shit out before those of us who believe in the Constitution become willing to enforce it in person and against not just the person violating our rights but also against all who cheered it on and publicly identified themselves.
This is not about liberalism. You have every right to live as you wish but no right to force others to agree with you, or to pay for whatever you wish to parade around. If you want to cut your own dick off as an adult you have the right to do it but you do not have the right to force anyone else to pay for it, nor do you have a right to force others to use your preferred pronouns. Nor do you have a right to demand you be hired on other than merit because you have green hair, think you're a woman when you're not or to meet some "quota" no matter what it is. And no, you do not have the right to double my (and everyone else's) electric bill and wildly cost-jack every other thing in the economy as energy is behind every good and service produced based on your belief in some invisible boogeyman -- particularly when it is a documented fact that every single bit of our modern life is in fact made possible by and is dependent on carbon.
This same lie -- the right to force others -- is the premise of Obamacare, by the way, and it is just cause for a no-bullshit revolt because it is a demand that I, as a healthy person, pay for those who are not. It does not matter whether you chose the behaviors that led to the disability and ill health. You have no right to demand that I pay your bill for your personal issues.
Taxation for the purpose of public good (e.g. a road) is a different matter. We accept this because there are public goods. But health care is a private good; it inures to you, not I. The reason we have this debate is that we've allowed wild-eyed felonies in the health system to exist in the first place and rather than jail said persons and thereby fix the cost problems we turn to thuggery.
Well a thug is a thug and making two thugs rather than arresting the first one is not only wrong it risks people eventually deciding that if the law doesn't apply when it comes to monopolies and money it doesn't apply when it comes to arson, malicious wounding and homicide either.
Yes, for the singular person making that decision the person who does it gets arrested and goes to jail -- well, they do unless they're a doctor, hospital or nurse who fills your grandmother full of Remdesivir, destroys her kidneys and she dies.
None of them went to jail -- they in fact all got a bonus for doing it.
But what if the people who were the loved ones of said grandmas, and I remind you a million were shoved in the hole so what is that -- five or ten million Americans so-assaulted as their family members -- decide they've had enough of this shit and slit the throats of everyone involved? If you refuse to prosecute manslaughter and even refuse the right to sue for money then the options are to kill every cocksucker involved or tolerate it. Why do you think "tolerate it" is the reasonable response? What sort of evil piece of shit are you if that's your answer to the slaughter of a million Americans for profit and by the way, it certainly appears that it is!
You could neither arrest or jail even 10% of the people if they decided the correct answer is "slit throats" -- and that's assuming the cops were willing to try, and if they did and the people burnt the cop's houses the number of cops willing to try would rapidly become zero since they can't both protect their house and leave said house to go arrest people.
If you think this can't happen oh yes it can and history tells us it does when so-called "liberalism" turns into thuggery -- and what often follows that is a really odd painter-dude with a funny moustache who says "he can fix it all, but there will be a few sacrifices."
Are you willing to take that risk or would you prefer to change minds before we wind up there -- and by the way, we're damned close right here, right now.
And if you think that was an accident, you're wrong.
He pointed out that Laken Riley would be alive today but for the Biden/Harris administrations actions on immigrants.
Oh, he tried to get slimy with it, but the point was made anyway, and it wasn't an accident. Clinton is a slimeball but he's not stupid and he shivved Harris on national television, pointing out that the Harris' policies, which are the same as Biden's in this regard, got Laken Riley killed.
You see, her accused killer came into the country illegally while Biden was President, he was caught, allegedly "vetted" and then released. This is what he says Harris supports and has been doing with Biden.
Problem: Laken is dead and he said "if they had been properly vetted."
Uhhhh..... yeah.
Oh, he's right by the way: Biden and Harris are personally responsible for Laken Riley's death.
Go listen to it yourself.
Oh, and the reason we're not having babies is that the federal government, its deficit spending and thus inflation has nuked the economy and thus for thinking people for 95% of the couples it makes no economic sense to have children. And no, you can't replace those people with immigrants vetted or not because the immigrants who are coming here are intellectually incapable of replacing the Americans in those positions and they further wind up increasing the deficit spending as a direct consequence.