This Is Why You DON'T Use Commercial Home Automation
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2016-05-19 10:52 by Karl Denninger
in Technology , 233 references Ignore this thread
This Is Why You DON'T Use Commercial Home Automation *

And it is why, if there is such a thing as a firm that recognizes that security is important, my phone will eventually ring or my email will eventually have someone serious pop up in it.

Cybersecurity researchers at the University of Michigan were able to hack into Samsung's SmartThings, a top-selling Internet of Things platform. In doing so, they were able to acquire the PIN code to a home's front door.

The University of Michigan team’s “lock-pick malware app" was one of four attacks conducted as part of an experiment. The work is believed to be the first platform-wide study of a real-world connected home system.

Oh, and if you think that such problems are immediately fixed...

The University of Michigan researchers revealed their findings to SmartThings in December 2015 and the company is working on fixes. The researchers re-checked a few weeks ago to see if a lock's PIN code could still be snooped and reprogrammed by a potential hacker, and it still could.

That would be a "no."

BTW, SmartThings is basically a Zwave hub (although it does other things too.) 

My software, HomeDaemon, has been pretty-much under continual attempted assault since I first put it online.  Of course being online is kinda necessary for me, since I'd like to be able to see the house from "elsewhere".  I am, of course, more than happy to outline exactly why and how HomeDaemon has been designed to be highly-resistant to such attempted hacks.

The best part is that this wee little $35 piece of hardware does a fine job of not only defending against such shenanigans but also continuing to operate normally while under said assault..... 

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